I used to do craft shows 8 months out of the year, almost every weekend. I had the routine down to a science. My little Saturn Ion could hold a bonkers amount of items. (RIP Bertha.) As time went on I did few shows because I needed time to make things to actually sell. Also... I was tired. Essentially I was working 2 full time jobs and it just wasn't sustainable.
Since I am a delicate flower and do not do well with the heat I narrowed my outdoor summer show list to 4 or 5 and then concentrated on the Nov./Dec. holiday shows. Then around 2018 after one too many torrential downpours and almost getting heatstroke for the 100th time I said screw it and stopped doing outdoor shows. (I even gave away my tent so I would be less tempted.) For the next couple years I did 7-8 big shows in Oct.-Dec. Mostly out of state because for some reason there are not a lot of shows in Michigan where I am a good fit and they all tend to fall on the same weekend.
We all know what happened in 2020 and I didn't do another show until December 2021. One lonely show, but it was one of my favorites put on by Cleveland Bazaar. It was so nice to see people in person again. But I was very much out of practice. But this year I have a few more shows lined up and am waiting to hear on two more. I will be at Flint Handmade this weekend for their Halloween show and then back again for their Holiday Craft Market in November. The other two are Bloomington Handmade and Cleveland Bazaar's 78th St show. Time to start practicing my conversation skills again.